Saturday 3 December 2011

Topic: Entrepreneurial Finance

8.0) Entrepreneurial Finance
Funding Opportunities, Grants, Competition
                This topic emphasize on the method in getting finance and funding for the business.  It also       identifies the potential financial agency to assist entrepreneur such as Crader, MDEC and MTDC.

Business Card

Topic: Entrepreneurial Marketing

9.0) Entrepreneurial Marketing
                - 4Ps, Social Networks and Entrepreneurs Bootstrapping, Elevator Pitch
This topic discussed on how to select market and establishing a position in the market.
                The 4 P’s of marketing for new venture s are as follows :
                i) Product,
                ii) Price
                iii) Promotion
                iv) Places of Distribution

                Bootstrapping, Elevator Pitch
                Bootstrapping can be defined as “a collection of methods used to minimize the amount of outside debt and equity financing needed from banks and investors.
            Speech includes:
            - describe opportunity / problem to be solved
            - describe products meet the opportunity / problem
            - describe qualification
            - describe market

Topic: Business Ethics

10) Business Ethics
                This topics discuss about the characteristic of entrepreneurial ethics. One of the Ethics not encouraged to be applied for each entrepreneur is Machiavelli Ethics. This ethics described as “The Ends Justifies The Means” and should not be practice by all entrepreneur.

Topic: Introduction

1.0) Entrepreneurial & Entrepreneur
                This topic emphasize the important part to become an entrepreneur and entrepreneurial element and process including the following titles:

                i) The Entrepreneur / The Founder,
                ii) Entrepreneurial process
                iii) Myths and Perception
                iv) Identity
                The Entrepreneurial process that has been covered in this topics are:
                - Preparation as Entrepreneur
                - Starting the venture
                - Business Plan Development
                - Business Formation
                - New Venture Financing
                - Operational / Implementation
                - Growth Strategies
                - Harvesting & Exiting The Venture

Topic: Business Plan

7.0) Business Plan
This topics includes:
                - The Reasons for BP,
                - Who Reads the BP
                - Guideline
                - Outline of the BP
                - Presenting the BP

Topic: Entrepreneurial Strategy

6.0) Entrepreneurial Strategy
Industry and Competitors Analysis – Porter Competitive Forces and Strategy; Blue Ocean
This topics emphasize on how to develop a business model and produce a quality product,          uniqueness and a product  with good presentation. This topic also discuss the core strategy and Strategic Resources within business model. The core strategy  of the business including business mission, product or a market scope and basis for differenciation while strategic resources comprises a core competencies and strategic assets. 

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